9 year old watching porn...UPDATE


Just wanted to thank each and every one of you that took the time to read the post and respond thoughtfully. There was A LOT that my son and I went over but I made sure he understood that he wasn’t in trouble or wrong for being curious about such things, but that it is inappropriate and not ok to continue to watch. We hadn’t previously had the talk but we did cover most bases in that aspect. It was pretty much like what most of you ladies had thought, he was curious and wanted to know what sex was; a friend had brought up the word to him at school but didn’t describe it. So sure enough he looks it up and expected a word description but also watched a video with sex and the girl goes down on the guy. Uughhh!!! Yes this was all so very mortifying to talk about! But I feel good that I know exactly what he saw and that we had a positive talk about sex and that I could answer his questions. I also left the door open for further talks and questions whenever. I also made sure to explain to him that sex isn’t dirty or bad and that it’s something pleasurable and good when it’s done between two adults that love each other. I definitely wanted to make that very clear as well. And I’ve obviously corrected not having parental locks and control on his tablet. Thanks again for all the advice and for not making me feel like a horrible person!

So I have a 9 year old son who has a tablet. While at home his tablet connects to WiFi and he can watch YouTube and also unfortunately access the internet. Before continuing I want to say that I know I should have made sure he didn’t have unlimited access to the internet unsupervised, I just honestly never thought he was going into the internet and only YouTube. But sure enough, my husband tells me this morning that he was attempting to download a questionable app to his tablet but he denied it. So long story short, I go through my sons search history on the web and it had numerous sex chat sites and apparently he was looking up what sex was on google. All kinds of inappropriate things. My son says it started when he was on the internet and something randomly popped up. At this point it doesn’t matter. I’ve obviously take his tablet and he won’t be getting it back with internet access...I guess I’m shocked and scared of what all he might have seen and exactly how to handle it.

Any advice or thoughts??

Please refrain from calling me a terrible mother or anything else negative..I don’t need anymore negativity in this situation.

Thanks in advance