my mother in law gave everyone cold sores

my husband and his 8 siblings, and almost all his siblings kids. he got it when he was a baby because she kissed him, and everyone else. he’s hated it ever since and i’m pregnant and we’re afraid she’s gonna go behind our back and kiss our baby.

we’ve told her many times not to do it and she said she’ll just kiss him behind our backs, so now we lost a babysitter.

she won’t stop, she doesn’t give a crap what anyone thinks. she even sucks babies tongues like wtf?

if she gives my son a cold sore can i like press charges to get it through her thick skull? she calls it her “gift forever” like intentionally gives it.

EDIT: thank you guys for being on my side! i won’t let her see the baby, she thought i was being a bitch and told me she’s gonna call CPS on me like okay🙄 she’s nuts, my husband loves her obviously it’s his mom, but says she’s totally in the wrong and doesn’t want the baby to end up with cold sores.