P R O U D (lil TMI)

So I’ve been eating clean since Jan 2. I’ve lost 5lbs so far but the side by side comparison I just done GIRL.

They’re both taken in the morning. The one on the left was taken Jan 3. I was so embarrassed by my mommy pooch. I have been so hard on myself here lately because I just feel like I’m not doing as well as I had hoped. But this right here, makes me feel so proud of myself. I know it’s not a huge difference but it’s a difference and I’m happy with it!!

I still have a long way to go before I’m down to my goal weight, but this is a confidence booster!

Also sorry for the nudity, the left was after a shower and the right was before a shower. 😅

Edit: okay I didn’t expect this many people to see this and be so proud of me 😩😭 y’all really don’t know how much it means to hear it. I just wanna thank you all! I’ve had someone ask about my diet and I’m gonna be 100% honest with you all, I used to eat like pure shit! And that’s the truth. Junk food, anything quick and easy because I’m a mom of two boys. I have an almost 3 year old and an 8 month old so I put myself last and whatever was convenient and quick was what I ate. It was all pure junk. I just got so sick and tired of going to bed at night and saying I’m gonna do better and not doing it. I got so disgusted after I would eat, I was so tired and sluggish constantly.

I am new to all of this and so basically what I’m doing is making better and healthier choices for myself. I am also watching my calorie intake I’m using MyFitnessPal app, literally the best app I’ve ever downloaded. I know there are a lot of people who eat completely organic and clean. A typical day of food for me is

Breakfast: Chobani vanilla Greek yogurt usually paired with strawberries or kind granola. Sometimes I’ll do a boiled egg and PB toast on wheat with some banana slices.

Lunch: Crackers, deli meat, and cubed cheese. Kinda like an adult lunchable. I may add a few pickles on the side.

Dinner: Baked chicken in this BBQ marinade I found on Pinterest it’s 🤤👏🏼 and then I like to make asparagus or peas.

Like I said before I’m def a beginner and I’m still learning as I go. I’ve completely cut out junk food which was all I ate a majority of the time.

As for working out, I’m a stay at home mom y’all. I have P90 on DVD and I’ve just been doing that. It’s only a half hr, it’s not too difficult at all.

If anyone has any suggestions on recipes or healthier options please let me know!! ☺️