Lonely 😞


My daughter was born 01/06 at 36w she is so beautiful I love her so much.

My c section was originally scheduled for 01/13 at 37w So me and my husband had discussed when he should take his time off. Being that I would probably be at hospital most of the week we agreed it would be best to have him there starting 01/20 (also that’s my sons bday so wanted to do something with him) which is not until next week.

He was off yesterday 01/13 (due to it already being approved for surgery) we spent the day at DR offices and ran to grab some stuff at the store before heading back.

Today he went back to work and he thought it would be helpful to have his mom watch my son these days he has to work to help me out and not do too much since I’m still recovering.

Well they both left super early this morning and I didn’t even get a chance to fully say bye since I was half asleep and well my son was half asleep as well when he got picked up.

Now im sitting here crying my eyes out bc I miss them so much. He is suppose to go pick up my son after work and well work is taking longer so he won’t be home for another hour.

I was doing fine all day or so I thought. I mean I had a friend over and we chatted but still felt off. She talked about her stuff and all I could do is miss my baby boy. I looked over at his little toy corner and just missed him.

Idk if I’m just overreacting or what but now that it started getting dark outside I just started to cry and can’t stop.

I think I’m gonna ask him to not have his mom watch him this week bc I feel so lonely and lost without him.

Sorry for such a long post but I’m really emotional 😭 postpartum I guess.