Favoring one breast


I need advice! My son is 4 days old and I try to exclusively breastfeed. I have given him breastmilk in a bottle maybe 3 times and not for full feedings.. but since my milk came in, I can't get the little dude to latch well on my right breast! I've been engorged so I'll relieve some of the pressure before nursing just so it doesn't shoot down his throat like a fire hose.. but my left breast is just as full when he nurses on it and he has no issues. Lately it seems like he just hates that side. He might latch but it's like he somehow knows it's not the left breast and he cries and refuses to take it. I've tried all but the csection/recovery hold.

What in the world do I do!? He latches great on the other breast. I'm kind of at a loss here.