Should I just be honest with my dad about wanting to have sex with my boyfriend?

Okay so I didn't know where else to post this but it seemed like I should maybe get the perspective of parents so yeah. So I'm 16 turning 17 in May. I've been dating my boyfriend for 6 months. We weren't doing anything prior but I knew that I would eventually want to have sex with him and that I will find a way to. So I went to my school nurse and asked about contraceptive methods (Didn't know where else to go) and she told me about Planned Parenthood. So my boyfriend told me we can go together and we got std testing and he helped me get on the pill. Well last week I told him I'm ready to have sex with him and he told me that he's ready for me too. We were like shy 6th graders for a while during our relationship lol. I told him that he'll probably have to park his car in the middle of nowhere if we want to do it (which I know is risky but I talked to people who have done that and most of them said they've never been caught.) I could always sneak him in but that's disrespectful so it's my very last option. My dad is strict. He has me on life360 and would ground me for a long time if he knew I was trying to have sex. But honesty is also a big thing for me. I was thinking, should I just tell him? Maybe I wouldn't have to sneak around if he understood me. But there's a much bigger chance that he will make me break up with my boyfriend or set new rules/limits which will make go insane lol. I just don't know how to go about this.

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