Need some marriage advice

I need help. My spouse and I have been married for 4 years now. We have 2 kids, 2 cats and 2 fish. We live in a 2 story house. My husband works 12 hour shift 3 or 4 days a week. He gets home at 9am and goes to bed until 6:30pm and leaves an hour later. When he has days off he just sleeps all day and night and all day the next day too. He doesnt help me with anything. Doesn to help cook or clean or feed the animals or anything. I'm left to do everything. I'm currently a stay at home mom but I'm looking for a job and looking into going to college. I'm super stressed because he wont help me with anything ever, no matter how much I beg him. I'm extremely overwhelmed and need help getting the house cleaned and he won't even pick out what he wants to eat. What advice do yall ladies have for me to get him to help me around the house? He always had someone doing everything for him so he never had to do things on his own. His mom did everything for him till he was 13 and moved in with his grandma who then did everything for him until he was 19 and we got together and now he expects me to do everything for him