My boyfriend listens to his guy friends over me

So I keep up everyday with updates on the Coronavirus, watching the news and reading from government sources. Well I’ve been telling my boyfriend some facts about it because he doesn’t watch the news or read any news, but he never acts that interested. Yet he comes home from work like everyday telling me untrue things that he hears from his dumbass friends at work, thinking they are true. I told him the number of confirmed cases in our state that we had today. Then he gets a phone call from his friend and talks for like an hour and when he hung up he told me “there’s __ cases now” (a number way lower than I had told him) I’m like “no, that number was from yesterday. I told you we now have __.” He’s like “show me proof. Send me the link.” Like?? Ok I will. There’s probably way more than that but there’s not enough testing going on still. But why can’t you just take my word for things over your dumbass friends?! Did you ask THEM for a link? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Shit grinds my gears.