I don’t know how to deal with anxiety


I don’t even know where to start. Looking back I’m sure I had anxiety when I was a teenager, before I even knew what anxiety was. I remember being afraid In many situations, I avoided people, cried some days when leaving the house, was too scared to walk into shops or places with lots of people. But I moved past it as I grew up. But from about 2 years ago, it’s hit me with a vengeance. I work in retail, so being around a lot of people is part of the job. Back last year I remember walking into work, heading straight to the staff room and having a panic attack because I was too afraid to be there. I needed to be home where I felt safe. This had happened on numerous occasions. I’ve since moved stores (same company) looking for a fresh start. But I’m still the same. I’ve been to my GP three time’s and all they’ve offered me is self help breathing exercises, and this does work for me when I feel a panic attack, but it does not help the excessive worrying, sleepless nights, racing mind, pounding heart and horrible feeling in my stomach. I feel stuck in a dark place and don’t know how to help myself. I’m usually fine and happy when I’m at home or surrounded by family and friends. But it’s when I leave my house that I can’t control my own body or my mind. Especially at work. I’m too afraid to ask for medication ‘will I be on it for life?’ Or ‘will it effect my chances of becoming a mother?’ Or ‘will people think I’m weak and not capable of being a parent’ I know these things may seem irrational but the only thing keeping me going is the desire for myself and my partner to have our own little family one day. I’m so lost and confused and I don’t know what to do anymore