Third trimester, first outbreak

Ladies, I need support.

My husband and I have exclusively been together for 10 years and I am having a first outbreak now at 35 weeks pregnant with our second baby. My thinking is that maybe we’ve (or I’ve) had it for a very long time without knowing and the stress of Covid and him getting furloughed may have overloaded my immune system.

We’re both shocked and to be honest I am totally overwhelmed.

My midwife started me on antivirals although the bloodwork hasn’t come back yet, should be back today or tomorrow.

Is a vaginal delivery out of the question because I’m having my first outbreak so late in pregnancy, or will it depend on the IgG results? I of course want to do whatever is safest for my baby, but I had a perfect birth with my first at a birthing center and was SO looking forward to birth this time around. Has anyone had experience with this? I feel so alone and distraught 😰