Son going back to school on the 9th.

Midnight Society

*I'm not sure which page to post this on so delete if not allowed.*

My son's school starts back up on June 9th. Hes 3 and its a school for children who have autism. They are taking all the precautions. It's very strict guidelines and policies. Only 13 people altogether will be there. They are still doing 4 times a week for 4 hours. Im considering doing 2 times a week to start off, but they have given me the option to continue online if I choose, but he will only get an hour a day 4 times a week. Also were in Oklahoma. Do ya'll think I should send him back or continue online? I'm having a hard time making this decision because I am 15 weeks pregnant with twins. We have no idea how this virus effects 2nd trimester. I'd feel more confident if I was farther along in my pregnancy. I know we aren't as high on our cases as most states and that's something to consider. I just want to know what you guys would do in my situation Should I just wait until I'm further along?? I could do online and change it whenever I feel comfortable. I have to make this choice by the 8th. I just know id feel extreme guilt and emotional trauma if I got the virus and lost the babies,or my son or my mom got it (she's 62 and lives with us).