Behind on Growth


If you've been told your baby's growth was behind schedule late in your pregnancy (30 weeks or later), did you end up being induced/having a c-section multiple weeks before your due date?

I was told at 31 weeks my boy's abdominal circumference dropped from the 94th percentile to the 3rd, so they are monitoring his growth now.

Doctor is concerned about my placenta because I had an abruption with my first, and last year had a loss at 18 weeks due to poor blood supply to the placenta.

She thinks there's a good chance this baby will be born at 37 weeks since that's when my water broke with my first when I had the abruption.

But, our next growth scan is at 35 weeks, and I'm wondering if anyone has every had their baby that early due to growth problems? I'm not really that worried about it at this point, because he scored perfectly on the BPP they did. Just waiting to see what happens as the weeks progress.

Thanks for any input!!