I feel like a Married single mom.

Everyday my husband goes to work, sleeps, and repeats. He will hold her and love on her a good 20 minutes when he gets home, and then goes to sleep. And wakes up with enough time to shower, eat and go back, mind you; some times this is 14 hours of sleep. And on his days off he always just hands her to me; for example today I walked over to my dads house to take a breather because she is teething, and he brings her over and gives her to my step sister and walks back home to play games on his phone.

I haven’t been able to shower in about a week and a half because I don’t have no free time to just wash my ass let alone feel like a human!! I get it he provides for us and he’s home but he don’t take care of me.

Edit: yes I have tried talking to him. He gets mad and just tells me to leave if he’s that bad.