Do you think this is an appropriate consequence for a five year old?


A family vlogging channel faced some controversy over an incident. Essentially, the mother received a text message from her five year old daughter’s school saying the little girl forgot her lunch. They asked the mother if she could bring her a lunch in. The mother, talking to the camera, said she wouldn’t take a lunch to her because it’s the natural consequence of not remembering to take her lunch. I am paraphrasing, but she says something to the effect of “I hope no one gives her any food. If she isn’t hungry, she won’t learn to take her lunch.”

I find this really concerning. I think everyone forgets things every now and then. Especially five year olds. I can’t imagine a parent wanting their five year old child to be hungry. They’ve made it the child’s responsibility to pack her own lunch and remember to bring it to school everyday. I think that’s a lot for a five year old. Considering food is needed to live, grow, and learn, I think it’s the parents responsibility to make sure their child is eating and has food. I do understand wanting to instill some responsibility, but at five years old, there should be room for error. A child shouldn’t go hungry during the school day for forgetting their lunch.