Ghost, Demon,spirit????



🚨Paranormal alert🚨

So something happened night before last with my 14yr old that I hadn't had much time to sit and tell y'all and I'm petrified about.

Everyone in the house was asleep around midnight except my daughter and I. I was just laying in my bed tossing and turning so I got up to get a glass of milk when I seen the bathroom light on and realized my 14yr old decided to take a shower for her menstrual cramps bothering her. So I walk out of my room and and call her name and she is standing in the hallway with a towel drenched still hair soaked with shampoo and face as white as a ghost and her eyes like they weren't ever gonna blink again. I chuckled and said..what in the world are you doing?! She still didn't answer me so I said S. Whats wrong? She slowly mumbles someone is in the shower with me mom.. as she finally took a deep breath in and out from shock. I automatically assumed someone was literally in the house in there with her so I'm freaking out! And she says no mom not a human..she said I was turned towards the shower when I had a feeling something was watching me or in behind me but I knew nothing was really there so I didn't bother turning around I had the bathroom door locked nobody could be in here. So when I did turn around to check...there was this girl that looks JUST like me with half her body looking in from the back of the shower curtain staring at me with black eyes, very pale white face,dark hair, and her hair was soaked but one side of her hair was covering 1 side of her face!. She stared at me a minute then left I peeked out the curtain and seen her walk past the mirror and then she was gone!...she wouldn't even go back in there bathroom I had to put her in my shower and sit with her while she finished cause she was terrified....I have also seen this girl but never told anyone. Same way it happened to her in the same bathroom and she's also been in my bathroom always just peeking in the shower. I have seen this girl twice!!! Things seem to happen always mainly while in the shower. I don't feel this is a "good" thing. Someone did die here in our home but we were told it was a older woman 80s natural causes and that was over a decade ago. The house is like 18yrs old. And of course I technically didn't even know about that until recently. My daughter and I haven't been sleeping well past couple of nights. I don't understand why she looks so much like my daughter. I did lose my daughter born sleeping at 24wks but THIS thing isn't her. I'm really afraid 😨 lately.