Very confused!

I’ve been dating my current boyfriend for a little over 4 years, we are currently apart because we live in different states and Covid is making it harder for us to meet. We haven’t seen each other in 7 months which is the longest we have EVER gone in the last 4 years. My main love language is quality time and physical touch, not sex but cuddles and hand holding and all that. Not being able to do that for the past 7 months has been really hard on me. It literally hurts me physically that ive been away from

Him this long. Now, out of the blue, my ex (who is the only other person I have ever loved) calls me and we haven’t spoken in over 4 years, I didn’t have his number so I didn’t know it was him, but when we got to talking it wasn’t awkward it was like nothing had changed, he is in the next state and offered to come and have coffee to catch up, also he has a gf but when I asked why he called after so long he said it’s because there no one that makes him feel the way I do after a conversation. He said there’s something about me he hasn’t found in anyone. I feel like because my boyfriend and I are apart and have been arguing this coming at this time is a little weird and I don’t know what to do. Please don’t be rude or say anything mean I just want to know what a neutral person thinks I should do. My ex is best friends with one of mine so I can’t ask her because I feel she will be a little biased lol