It hurts but I’m not breaking


After a brutal 24 hrs after finding out he cheated, I really don’t know how to feel.. my friend and I switched seats so that we won’t be next to them & saw them leave the airport while we were waiting and I so badly wanted him to call me.. but I know that if he calls and I answer he will have billions of excuses and it will weaken me because I’ll be more likely to just listen & understand when I don’t understand!! How could someone do the complete opposite of what they “intend”? When he tells me he loves me, and does this.. when he says he’d try harder, and does this..

My flight flew in around 6 am and I slept until now. I wanna cry but I can’t. And I woke up and saw this:

I refuse to lurk on his page & her page, I won’t do it because it’ll hurt even more. I’m battling myself & it hurts so bad, but I can do it