My friend got mad because I don’t text first???


Ok so I have a friend I’ve known for about a year, he recently confessed that he had a little crush on me and I wasn’t really tripping over it. Like a week after he confessed he called me and asked if I felt the same way, ( i dont ) I didn’t want to just say no I felt that that would be so rude and it would let him down so I said “I don’t know” and left it at that. Also I’ve never flirted with him or done anything that was above friend level. But I’ve been trying to distance myself from him because I think he’s a weirdo that finds me as a fetish because I’m biracial, and he watches everything that I do on all my social media and comments things like “🤞🏼😍❤️”. Last night he had called me and was asking me questions like “Have I done anything spiteful?” And “are we cool?” I said yeah we’re cool. He said well you never text me first like how it used to be. You used to text me and see how I was doing and stuff, he said that in an angry tone. I was so confused and weirded out because thats stuff that people in relationships argue about. Mind you, I’m 20 (he’s 24) and I’m in college, I also have a job, and I go to the gym in my condo almost 4 times a week and I simply just don’t have time to text or call to just sit silent on the phone or “hangout” . I asked him if he was talking about me specifically not texting first or everyone and he said “well everyone and you” but I’m pretty sure he’s only talked to me about this and not everyone else. All of his other friends are guys. I also have a boyfriend that I haven’t told him about simply because it’s not any of his business. I want to block him and change my number, seriously. Because it’s getting weird.