So upset and feeling so guilty


I’m just insanely upset, and tired, I haven’t had good sleep since the teething started, that’s like 5 months. And when i thought it was bad sleep it has gotten worse last week the baby just falls asleep at 8 and when I pass her to her bed she just becomes awake, like if she wasn’t tired from before, and it’s been all week, that it takes me 3 good hours to make her fall asleep I’m so tired and I’m so angry at her, I try everything! everything with love and care, and then she becomes so inexplicably difficult that I feel so awful. She’s 18 months now and I’m no longer sure when’s teething when is not, because it’s been so long!

I’m so tired from lack of sleep cause asides from going to bed at midnight she wakes up like 5 times during the night. She ends up in my bed, which was not the normal thing.

I just want to sleep straight for a month and forget about everything. Which obviously makes me feel so guilty.