I’m insecure and have no idea why.

I think in attractive.

I claim what’s mine.

I stand up for myself.

I mark my territory when necessary.

I think I’m overall a decent woman.

Yet everyday I have irrational fears I’m not enough for my fiancé. I’ll take the silliest of things personal. I read into things way too much. And I need help that my therapist can’t really offer. I’ve been in therapy for 6 months and not once can we figure out together how to get over my distrust in men and always assuming the worst. Aside from my relationship, I’m insecure and have been even when I was single, I don’t like conversations when men glorify all the wrong females. Like it’s stupid I know but it really bothers me. As wrong as I know it is and that every one is human just like me and deserve a chance , I don’t see why some men in general always glorify women like porn stars, girls who are “bitches” sugarmamas, but then the women who come along who want a family , can offer fulfillment, a place you can always count on are disregarded and downplayed in today’s society. I don’t really consider myself a feminist and I don’t think labels are necessary I just want to know how to mature and get over this already. It stunts my growth as a woman, in my relationship , and friendships with other women too.