Cycle day 37 no AF



I’m going CRAZY

Tested BFN on cycle day 33 (day after projected missed period), but I think I ovulated late, on the 24th (according to CM. I know there is no 100% indication unless I took a OPK ). Anyways according to CM, it would make today 14DPO, meaning I tested 10 DPO, which is kinda early.

I thought I had really bad PMS on the 2nd: extrema fatigue for two days straight (thanks to lockdown I literally just slept all day besides my yoga and jog) , moody, sad, hungry. Bloated. And really sore boobs, I mean wake me up in the middle of the night can’t go back to sleep sore like never before pain. Then those symptoms went away but I’ve been cramping super bad for almost 5 days now. Still no sign of AF. I’ve been a POAS-aholic the last few months and I’m at peace now. I won’t test again until the 10th, which will put me at cycle day 40. I am fully preparing myself for AF to show but holding onto hope she won’t. It would be a miracle and blessing!

Been off the pill for exactly a year. OBGYN Had my DH do a SA last month, and decided if it doesn’t happen this month we will call on CD 1 to being our <a href="">IUI</a> journey.

I know my cycle seams long but since I got off the pill my cycles have been anywhere from 29 days to 37 days long. I’m on metformin but my pills got lost in august. So might be why this is another long cycle. Send me baby dust!! But we won’t be Devo if it doesn’t happen, as I am excited to stay the <a href="">IUI</a> journey if not and I know babies come to us exactly when they are supposed to. Everything happens for a reason and Gods timing is perfect ✨ but let’s be real-THE ANTICIPATION IA KILLING ME 😂