My mom is mean, I just want to live a good life

I love my mom dearly and she’s up in age so I feel obligated to do a lot of things. I am the youngest. I did get away for years but always felt bad for leaving bc she’d miss me. Fast forward She offered my husband and I a room at her house until our house is finished my husband talked me in to it& I thought maybe it won’t be so bad. (Time has a way of making you forget how bad things were) , anyway i regret coming here. She’s so mean to me. I have been having stress and blood pressure problems since being here. I am pregnant ftm & she talks so ugly to me, I’m starting to turn back into that little kid wondering what did I do so wrong to deserve it. Can’t even be nice to me while pregnant? I get told im gonna harm my baby from stress & I don’t need kids but she’s the one making me stress& raising my blood pressure. I am always a nice , positive person so every day I start fresh and wake up happy but it’s like it’s a must to kill my joy. I tried talking to her but she denied it and cried bc I tried to explain she hurts my feelings. She packed her bags too so this made me apologize. I’m starting to resent my husband bc he’s allowing me to go through this while pregnant. I even said screw staying until moving in the house& just get an apartment or hotel but he’s concerned with saving. We have no other family & no friends here that we can crash at. We have to be here until February. I feel sad for putting my baby in this stressful environment , she helps everyone else, takes care of them & treats them nicely while pregnant, my family members literally come to her when pregnant so I thought I’d get the same being her youngest daughter but now I just regret being pregnant though I love my baby , but he doesn’t deserve the stress& blood pressure issues my body goes through, meds are barely working. By the end of this I may leave my husband as well bc even tho she doesn’t always do this in front of him, I still tell him & cry to him