I'm not sure if this is ppd or not

So just some back sorry here. I've always been daddies little girl (even being grown). My daddy was sick for about 3 years (he had cancer) I'm the youngest of of 7 kids. I have been the only one there for the last 6 or 7 years up till the very end when the rest just wanted to see what they could get out just wanted to say that they were there. The last 3 years have been pretty rough with doctors appointments and just watching him not feel good. I have drug my self and my kids to my parents house every day so that I can just spend as much time with my parents as I knew he didn't have much time left every day like I said for the last 3 years. I got pregnant I do believe in early December 2019. I found out the day after Christmas. I told my dad when I was a little over 4 months cause I just didn't want him to worry about me as this was my 5th biologic child but 6th kid total (I have 1 bonus baby). Well skip a ways up and about very early June I hear my daddy tell my mom that he just hopes he makes it to see my son after he's born. Well he did not make it. My daddy my hero my biggest supporter passed on June 18th. I broke down on the 17th when I was sitting in his room talking to him (by this time he was in a mediated Como really. Well since then I've cried a few times but I have really been staying strong for my mom and my kids. My baby was born on 8/15/20 and the passing of my dad has really been hitting me very hard since about a week after my baby came. I'm really not sure if it's ppd or if it's just the fact that it's just time to really really grieve for my loss now. Any insight or advice or just comforting words soul lord be greatly appreciated. Sorry for such a long post and it being a bit everywhere. I just Merced to I guess get it off my chest as I'm really not sure how to take how I feel right now. You are a Saint if you made it to the end. Thank you in advance. Also sorry if this isn't in the right group. I want sure where to put it.