Would you be frustrated?

Okay so I'm a stay at home with a 2.5 year old, a 14 month old, and I'm 9.5 weeks pregnant. My husband works out of town 4 days a week and then comes home Thursday night after work and has 3 days off. Normally I do a pretty good job of keeping on top of most of the house work but the last few weeks I've been struggling because I'm constantly dizzy, have a headache, am nauseous, and I'm just fucking exhausted but I still do my best. Yesterday we spent the whole day visiting my in laws and so not much got done around the house. Today we were supposed to go visit my parents to tell them I'm pregnant but my husband insisted on staying home because he said he wanted to clean all day. Okay whatever. So my girls and I go spend 6 hours at my parents house and when we get home I see he literally did almost nothing the entire day. The sink is still full of dishes, there's still toys all over the floor, the litter box hasn't been cleaned, and all of the laundry I washed and folded is still sitting in a heap in our bedroom ( we also have an agreement that I wash the laundry and fold it and out ours girls laundry away and he'll put ours away). I'm honestly so frustrated right now. I spent all that time at my parents today trusting that he was actually going to get a lot of cleaning done only to come home and see he did barely anything. I wouldn't have stayed at my parents so long if I knew I would have the whole fucking house to clean still when I got home. This isn't even the first time this has happened but always promises me he's going to clean because he wants to and he never does. Would you be frustrated? Am I just asking too much of him?