Its like pulling teeth!

I dont understand why people insist on waking a sleeping baby. Or preventing a baby from going to sleep.

I have a 6 month old and I have tried my best over the last 3+ months to get him on more or less a "schedule" in terms of sleeping and eating. Obviously we have off days and I go by his cues as well but generally he has 4 bottles, 1-2 solids per day, and 3 naps. He sleeps totally through the night so his naps are only about 45 minutes. If we're going to be out during naptime or bedtime, I still try to keep him consistent with feeding and putting him to sleep. Every night, bedtime starts at 6pm. Its bath, pajamas, milk, book, sleep. He always conks right out until 6:45am. Relatively simple, right??

Apparently, its trying to learn a foreign language for certain people! Every single time my in-laws call or we're with them, they insist we wake him up. They have no concept of "inside voices " so if its naptime, he has so much trouble falling asleep because its so loud (I try to bring him in a different room and close the door and they always want to check on him, especially if he's crying from overtiredness). Its like stfu... he'll be awake soon enough, have some damn respect.. hes just a baby! My MIL always sneaks him more milk when I'm not around and then wonders why hes spitting up excessively 🤮🤮. He always drinks 7oz of formula and if im not around for whatever reason, she will add 3-4oz more when he's finished. I tell her every time its not necessary and not to do that and its just in 1 ear and out the other 😒🤨. Hes in the 97th% for height and weight btw.

My fiance also just doesn't get. I had a doctor appt and knew the baby would need to eat when he woke from his nap. I got home 2 hours later and the baby hadn't been fed yet (so it'd been almost 6 hours)! I asked my fiance (who was playing a video game) why he hadn't fed him, he said cuz he wasn't crying. Crying is the last resort for hunger!! Then, last night I asked him if he could finish putting him to bed, after I bathed and fed him. He just needed story time and into the crib. 30 minutes later, hes still holding him on the couch watching a damn movie! I said 4 times that its past his bedtime and he ignored me. Movie ended and I said it AGAIN and he puts him in his walker and said he'll put him down after he goes to the bathroom. Excuse me?!?! It's now almost an hour past bedtime! The number of times I've had to hold it? Get your shit together. I picked him up and put him straight in his crib and he fell asleep before he even got out of the bathroom. This happens for every single nap too and just says that he "only likes when mommy puts him down".

I have expressed wanting to go back to work at some point but I can't even trust his own father to care for him and certainly not my in-laws. Its beyond frustrating. I feel like a broken record!!