Should I feel guilty?!

My son is 7 and as normal 7 year old he is curious, we were watching a movie and in one part a baby was born so my son asks “how are babies made?” of course the question caught me off guard cause I knew this day would come but not this soon. I looked at my SO and his face went 😳 and he pointed at me, I am very open with my kids (not too open but enough) so I thought about it for a second and told him “when a man and women love each other they make love and while making love the man releases a lot of solders to chase/fight for the woman’s egg and the strongest/fastest one that wins makes the baby.

He smiles like he was happy he got his answer and went about his movie; today I got a call from his teacher saying she needs to talk to me. When I got there she had this look 🤨. I asked what was wrong and she said “well today we had show and tell, one of my student brought pictures of their baby sibling” I asked “what happened?” she continued to say “well your son decided to go around and tell the class how babies are made and he said you told him”. I said “alright, I don’t see an issue”.

She said it wasn’t professional or right that I told him about that at his age and how I could traumatize him for life for revealing such grown up information. She told me I need to write an apology letter to all the parents for basically traumatizing their kids. I told her I was sorry but I’m not doing anything and she said that if I don’t he will be removed from the class... like WTF? I told her “I’m not writing the parents an apology letter, if they are upset I’ll gladly talk to them and apologize but if this little thing gets him removed from your class then fine he doesn’t need such an asshole snob as a teacher”.

Little back ground we had issues with this teach last year too with her trying to get rid of my son for little things. So I didn’t feel bad cussing at her, but now I feel guilty because all my sons friends were in that class and now he’s gonna be removed.