Can my miscarriage be misdiagnosed????


I went for my first scan yesterday. From my last period I’m just 10 weeks but from the date I know conceived I’m nearly 9 weeks.

The doctor gave me a tummy ultra scan first but couldn’t get a clear picture because she said my uterus seemed to be tilting backwards. So we did the other internal scan instead.

She said my baby measures up to 8 weeks and she couldn’t see the heart beat. Apparently your meant to see it colored and that’s the heart but there wasn’t one. So she said it looks my baby died last week

She straight away gave me options on how I will miscarry.

But I don’t believe her!!!! My symptoms have been the same - sore breasts, exhaustion, nausea!!! Nothing else!!

When I have spoken to people before they always had a gut feeling but I haven’t!!! I have visualized everything and I swear she’s okay.

Has this happened to anyone else before? Do you really see color on the screen?