Anyone experienced this? CW: bloody clot/tissue


I typically have heavy periods and clot a bit but this was completely different. So I had some light spotting for about 2 days leading up to this but i thought it was just my period so I put a pad on around 10 (i was completely fine) and then around 10:30 my pad felt soaked and as i stood up i had sharp cramp like pain but more intense stabbing feeling I also randomly had the urge to poop(sorry but this is all gross tmi anyway). So I’m on the toilet and blood is just gushing out of my vagina, I’m pushing bc i felt like i needed to poop but i actually never did. I was on the toilet with these cramps for about an hour. I tried to go lay back down but the cramps were too much and i was soaking pads within 15-20 minutes so i went back to the toilet and was still leaking blood and a few small clots. I went to shower and get cleaned up also I just relax in the steam but the blood was literally leaking down my legs. I got the urge to poop/push again but this time the pain was so bad i was crying and yelling for help when i was finished showering my bf helped me over to the toilet bc I could barely stand. i sat on the toilet and just started pushing whatever was coming out (again never pooped it was only my vagina that was purging). Finally this huge clot/bodily tissue starts to come out of my vagina I had to pull it out!! I was in so much pain before that passed i didn’t take any pics of the full toilet bowls of blood. But anyway I was on vacation and didn’t get an appointment w my OB until almost a week later. I was thinking it was a miscarriage but by the time i saw my OB, my levels were normal. since i didn’t keep the tissue/clot they couldn’t confirm anything and just kept telling me they needed to do more tests. Even after all the ultrasounds and blood tests they never confirmed what it was. I was hoping this sounded or looked familiar to someone🥲