Why am I so sensitive???

So I’ve never been the sensitive type, the only time I ever cried was when I was mad and trying to keep myself from hurting someone😅 except when I was little, I’d cry when I saw other people crying but eventually grew out of it. I believe I had 3 chemical pregnancies one in January-ish 2019, one January-ish 2020, and one October 2020. Ever since the first one it feels like I’m always holding back tears or crying over random stuff (like a video of a baby with hearing aids for the first time or if the person I’m rooting for in a game show wins, completely random stuff). I was thinking maybe its just hormones but idk. Anybody else have a similar story?

Random note: I have had interstitial cystitis (I basically have untreatable UTI symptoms) for at least the past 10 years of my life so I’m always going to the bathroom. In 2019 a week after I found out about the chemical, my coworker found out she was pregnant so of course she was always running to the bathroom. I was like “haha now you know how it feels to have to go to the bathroom every 30 mins” and she was like “yeah but I’m pregnant, I have a good reason”. I don’t think she meant anything bad by it especially since I didn’t tell anyone about the chemical but that hurt me so bad and I still think about it sometimes. Look at me getting all emotional again😂