Has anyone else ever felt like this?

My appetite has been really weird lately. I usually am a binge eater and other days I starve my self.

Anyways, nowadays if I don’t eat, I feel really sick. But when I do eat, I feel really sick too. My stomach hurts so bad. I’ve been really constipated too. I’ve been trying to eat but nowadays I can only eat about 1/3 of the portions I used to eat. I feel so full so fast. I’ve become fine with just eating one meal a day and maybe a snack. Or two average sized meals. But my appetite has been acting so weird. Anything I do eat doesn’t really feel for pleasure anymore, it just feels like a way to get my stomach to stop growling. Even the thought of eating the portions I used to make me sick. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because my depression is bad again. But I’m not on any meds. Maybe it’s all just in my head? I’ve never been a breakfast person but I can eat a salad and feel fine for the day. Other times I just eat a heavy dinner. It’s weird. I’ve also been trying to only drink water. Has anyone else ever experienced this?

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