What should I do for my Boyfriend liking girls photos.


So my boyfriend and I have been together for over a year now and at the start he was liking a lot of girls photos on Instagram. At first I wasn’t bothered, I trusted him. But then I would just notice it more and more and the photos began to be naked photos of multiple women. At this point I’ve had enough and expressed how it’s making me feel insecure and this stuff has happened in the past with my exes and it’s lead to me discovering they were cheating. I have never had any other reason to suspect my partner is cheating on me and I do believe he is loyal but I looked on today and see him liking girls photos on my feed if women in bras, boobs all out in the camera. So I start looking more and there was so many more photos he’d be liking of girls.

Now I’m not sure how I feel or what to do cause he previously explained he hadn’t been in a relationship before so this is new for him.

We have had many discussions about this and I don’t know if I’m going crazy or this something I should be mad about.

I have never caught or seen him talking to any of the women so am I being over dramatic.

Ahh idk help me girls 😩😩