😴 sleep



My great crib sleeper is now refusing crib entirely (stands up and cries no nap or night sleep unless on top of me or dad). This is a phase right? 🤞🤞

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Maybe this sounds mean but if my son has a rough have time going to bed he still never ever comes to our room. We just don’t make that an option because we don’t want it to become a habit. He hands down sleeps best in his crib. So I just go in if he seems hysterical, allow him a drink, check his diaper, give him a kiss and lay him back down. Sometimes I do this 10 times lol. But If it’s not teething, hunger, or thirst, they’re okay to cry a bit. My son is going through a regression right now I believe.. we’re not changing his routine because he needs it!


Ka • Feb 6, 2021
Oh wow, she’s a fighter then! I would probably give in too but my son usually won’t fight for that long


Rachel • Feb 6, 2021
Not that anyone asked for an update buuuut on the third night she slept in her crib 😊


Rachel • Feb 5, 2021
I honestly agree with this and it's what I've done so far but the past two nights around 2 am I've given up because she's still standing and crying on and off


Posted at
Oh gosh I hope this is a phase! My son has refused 3 naps this week, and screams to the pint of throwing up until we take him out, and last night he randomly woke up at 5am to scream bloody murder, took 2 tries for him to go back down.....I’m also due with my 2nd in 2 weeks so this is not great timing for a regression 😫


Rachel ☘️💙March’19 & 🎃💗Oct’20 • Feb 5, 2021
My other babe is going through the 4 month sleep regression 😂😅😭


Rachel • Feb 5, 2021
Oh gosh I'm sorry!


Posted at
It’s gonna be a long phase if you keep letting them sleep with you


ariana smols • Feb 5, 2021
Try giving a bottle of watee


Rachel • Feb 5, 2021
I know I only did it once. Tonight she's been standing and crying on and off since 7 pm standing in her crib and I'm at a loss


Posted at
I’ve read it’s the 2 year sleep regression... my sons been refusing bedtime (usually 7pm). My husband and I take turns going back in to read more to him but he’s been going to bed more like 8/830. Then he wakes up btwn 430-6am 😩 today was the first time he refused his nap. Hoping it passes


Rachel • Feb 5, 2021
I hope so too that rough!