Nap time Drama


So I am just curious if you plan your days around nap times? My MIL called and raged, literally raged at us because we “never come to do anything with them.” Not true but that’s not the point of this. The point is if they plan something during nap time we don’t go because my 15 month old is very particular about his naps. If we are anywhere he can be up and moving around he won’t go to sleep which I don’t blame him, but then if he misses a nap he is absolutely miserable and extremely difficult to get back on track. The last time we let him get just a bit overtired it took me 3 days to get him back to his normal naps and sleeping through the night and both me and my husband work. My in laws don’t. She also was angry that if we are with them for say dinner when it’s close to bedtime we pack up and leave so he can go to bed on time. They want us to stay a minimum of 3 hours no matter when we get there, they’ve actually vocalized that and honestly that just can’t always happen.

My MIL also expressed her anger that she showed up at our house one day out of the blue (during nap time) when he was much younger and she was angry that we didn’t wake him and bring him out to see her. I was honestly taken aback by this. I would never demand someone wake their baby because I showed up unannounced.

So she’s angry that they have to “schedule” with us and I’m just like he’s a freaking baby and he needs sleep!! I’m honestly a little pissed but I’m just curious if I’m crazy?? I can’t be the only one that plans trips and outings around nap time??

Update: I tried talking to her. I tried to be the bigger person and make plans with her since we “never see her” We invited her to go swimming this weekend with us (she goes all the time with her other grandchildren). Even though we are the ones inviting her she said great I’ll see you at 12:00. I said we wouldn’t be able to be there until about 3/3:15 because he naps until 2:30. And we live about 15 minutes from the pool. Again she doesn’t work and is constantly telling us that she never does anything but sit around and binge watch Netflix shows. (But when it comes to visiting us she’s always too busy) She said again she would be there at 12 and if we cared about her at all we would be there at 12. I said we love her and want to see her but he needs to be going down for his nap at 12 so if she wants to play with him at the pool she can come at 3:00. Or we could meet her in the morning around 9:30 which would give us a good play before nap time. I told her as I have many times that he likes his structure and routine for his naps and doesn’t sleep well at night if he doesn’t nap well during the day. She said I was a f**ing psychopath and hung up on me 🤣