People pleaser


When it comes to my life I try to make everyone happy; I put every ones feelings into consideration and try my hardest to do things that won’t hurt others especially my family...same as a lot of ppl who are experiencing struggles during this time. Me my SO and our son have recently had to move from our rental back to a family members house due to him losing his job. The thing about this is it’s his parents until we are back on our feet. Due to this me and my mom have hit a HUGE rift in our relationship due to the fact we used to live right next to her so she was able to see my son just about everyday since he’s been born (He will be 2 in April). My mother is afraid that her grandson is going to forget her or not want anything to do with her when we go see her. We have been living w the in-laws since the end of December, and every week on at least one of my moms days off we go visit and we try to ft at least once a day. The problem I’m having is the rift between me and my mother is becoming more and more detrimental to my mental due to the fact she is beginning to get jealous (I think) and in turn making me feel terrible for the decision we made to come to in-laws. I’ve tried talking it out w her and I feel as though she is making me out to be a liar. For example; we ft and his dads mom who is “mal mal” walks into the room and he says “mal mal” and my mom changes tones completely and ends the call. I knew it was due to the fact he called my MIL by her name so I reassured my mom he does in fact say the name my mother likes to be called. She then proceeds to respond w “no he doesn’t but he will” and a few other texts that indicate to me that she thinks I’m not keeping him aware that he has her and my family also. This isn’t true everyday he sees pictures and we tell him who they are he’s just a busy boy so obv being on ft or the phone talking isn’t his cup of tea. This is really bothering me; making me feel like I’m doing everything wrong and am hurting a relationship I hold so close to my heart. Me and my mother were best friends but bc we moved she is distant and just makes conversations awkward every time we talk.

This is very lengthy but how do I deal w this both for myself and for the sake of my family bc it’s hurting me deeply, I hate feeling distant from the ppl that mean the most to me but no matter what i say I feel like it’s not enough and it’s always been like this. Thanks for anyone who took the time to read- I have no one to really vent to, to get advice..