HCG Booster

Robyn • 2 angels in 2018 - Rainbow born 9/4/19 - TTC #2

Ack! TTC baby #2. Did <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> for baby #1 as well.

I'm currently 13dpt, 12dpiui, and 7dpb {booster!} - my doctor had me do 5000iu of HCG to help boost my progesterone. I'm also on Endometrin suppositories twice a day.

My beta is scheduled for Monday morning at 8 am, which would be 11 days post booster shot.

1. I'm so dang anxious!

2. I'm slightly crampy, so I'm hoping that's a good sign.

3. Does anyone else's doctor do the booster shot?

4. I just want to take a test, but I know it'll be positive from the booster. When can I test before my beta? Can I?

That was everywhere so I appreciate you getting through it!