This might be long so bare with me here, folks.

I currently work in a daycare center. My 6 month old daughter goes to this daycare so I see her A LOT. She sits in my office with me throughout the day as well, so it’s been great being able to work and also seeing her almost all day, everyday! I also love my job a lot and I have moved up 3 positions in the last 5 years I’ve been working in childcare centers.

When she turns one, and also moved into the one year old room, her coming to my office will most likely not happen often at all. One reason being that she will have much harder time going back to her classroom after seeing me, and the second reason that she will be running around and I won’t really be able to focus 😂.

I’m really sad thinking about not seeing her all day anymore. My husband recently received a HUGE job promotion and he is also a DJ on the side as well. He is now bringing in quite a bit of money. He mentioned the other day if I’m really bothered by not seeing her during the day, that I could just stay home with her once she turns one. The thought of that is so nice because I love her so much and I definitely like to put my family first.

The only reason I’m hesitant is that I’ve come so far in my career and I’m even taking online classes currently to further my education in my career and stepping up to director is in my near future goals! I’m worried if I stay home too long that when I come back to my field of work, my years off from working will affect my ability to continue growing.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Such a long post I know. I’m sorry.