Breakup and he doesn’t care ...


Hi ladies!! I just ended a 2.5 year relationship that has been challenging to say the least. Recently he’s just been distant, not caring no vday gift, major texting email change. He says it’s because daughter is getting college rejections, his mental state is bad, he didn’t get job bonus and mom is sick. A year ago I broke up with him and did no contact for a month he went crazy calling me 29 times a day etc. we got back together. It’s long distance and we haven’t seen each other since August. He said last week “I can’t give you what you want right now and I don’t want to hold you back” I asked if he wanted to end it he says no.

So I sent break up email Saturday saying either we get counseling or I’m out and said I don’t trust him and he has not attempted to call or email and honestly I’m hurt. Thoughts?? Maybe he just wanted me to do it? Maybe he has someone else... I’m sad and can’t stop churning.