Milk allergy

Has anyone had experience with your baby having a milk allergy? What did you do? Did they outgrow it? My month old boy was just diagnosed. I instantly tried cutting out all dairy but I’m struggling. I’m a super picky eater to begin with. If I don’t eat dairy in any way it limits my food a lot. I have done it for 3 days and am making it but I don’t think I can realistically keep this up for many more months. It is also making me super anxious feeling like I missed some dairy when reading labels and I am going to make him sick. I’m terrified of eating out in case things are cross contaminated. I know breastfeeding is the best thing and I am trying to keep it up but we are thinking of switching to formula. Our pediatrician even recommended it as a good option to help my mental state and his health.

What dairy free recipes or easy ideas do you have or remember?

How did you get over the anxiety of accidentally eating dairy?

Did you keep breastfeeding or go to formula?

How did you adjust from breastfeeding to formula?

Did your child outgrow it?