10. 5 month old sleep schedule


My baby is 10.5 months old takes 2 naps everyday while I'm working when she's with my mother in law. One at 9 and the other at 1:30. With me she becomes fussy and sleepy so she then sleeps at 5. I've tried not to put her down for that nap so then she can sleep at 7 but she will not sleep. These days she's up from her nap at 6 and stays awake until 11:30. The other day I spent 4 hours trying to get her to sleep. My mother in law puts her to sleep with a tablet playing ryhmes while she is in her swing. Which also is something I'm struggling with. I want to get her off of the swing. With me nowadays she hates the swing and I have to walk with her in my arms to get her to sleep. But with my mother in law she sleeps in her swing because she is in front of a tablet. Most of the time my mother in law has her in front of the TV or tablet. I've asked and asked not to do so but gave up after no one listened. Anyways. Does anyone have any tips on how to get my baby on a good schedule and asleep on her own? I would like to avoid the "cry it out method".

Thank you in advance.