When does pp vaginal discomfort/ pain go away?


I’m 1w5d pp - my delivery, especially for being my first, was fairly easy (so I’ve been told by almost everyone). Like 10 hours active labor, 30 minutes pushing, minor 1st degree tear. Naturally I was sore and in some pain for the next few days, but after the one week mark I feel like it almost got worse instead of better. It’s more discomfort than pain, but it’s honestly almost more frustrating! It gets itchy, and feels like a giant bruise (which I guess that part isn’t surprising), and the pain/itchiness will come and go. I’ve been using ice packs which helps, but I just want to know when it’ll stop feeling this way!

I did have an IUD put in after birth which fell out two days ago, and I felt better after pulling it out, but the itchy discomfort and bruised feeling is still there. When does that go away?? (Also I’ve checked my stitches - from what I can tell everything looks normal).