Is my supply screwed?

I’m 11 days pp and I feel like a complete failure in the feeding department. My goal is to EBF but that seems to be slipping away with each passing day. My daughter has a poor latch and has an uncoordinated suck (she bites with her gums and sucks using the front of her mouth instead of the back, so she gets very frustrated because she’s getting minimal milk this way). We’ve been working with lactation, but her advice was to pump and bottle feed as she is not doing well at the breast. She now refuses to latch and if she does she will suck twice and immediately pull away and get upset. I don’t want her seeing breastfeeding as a frustration so I’ve been exclusively pumping at a minimum q3 sometimes more frequently since 7 days PP and have been power pumping 1x a day for 3 days now. With each pump session I get no more than 2 ounces total and even then that’s rare. Most of the time it’s around 1-1.5 ounce total 😞 of note, now I’ve developed a large blister on my R nipple that’s covering a good portion and I believe affecting output slightly, but I can’t seem to get it to open. I’m getting no support around me in regards to pumping and BF. My mil just told me to use formula and my husband is kinda pushing the same, but I really want to breastfeed her.

This was a long post so thanks for reading if you made it this far. Anyone have any advice?? How do I grow my supply without basically pumping every hour?