It feels like my bf sister doesnt like me.

So my bf and I have been together for almost 4 years. So anyways yesterday was Mother’s Day for the hispanic community. Since my bf mother passed away from cancer about 3 years ago and Mother’s Day is kinda hard on him I decided to get my bf some really pretty flowers and a note telling him how much I appreciate him and how his mother is looking down in him proud of the man he’s becoming. My bf was really happy with the flowers and I promised him that later in the week we will go visit his mom so we can both give her some flowers. So anyways after our little date he goes home.

This morning my bf tells me that he got in an argument with his sister over the flowers I gave him. He said that his sister was trying to take his flowers away so she can give it to her mother in law. He said no but she kept insisting. At the end of the day my bf kept his ground and kept his flowers. Idk when he told me this it really angered me because who does that?!

Idk lately his sister been leaving a bad taste in my mouth. A few weeks ago I was supposed to come over for family dinner but when I arrived they just finished eating. My bf gets up and tells me “omg we just finished eating 5mins ago.”and I said “why didn’t u guys wait for me u knew I was coming” and he said “yeah I check your location and saw u were off the freeway and I told my sister to wait because your almost here but she said “no let’s eat” and my sister began serving” and I said “wow ok” so I just served the little food they left for me and ate alone. Whenever I come over to a family gathering or dinner I say hi to everyone and when I say hi to her she just says hi and rolls her eyes. Sometimes I try making convo with her like “oh have you heard of the new makeup pallet that just came out?”(we both like makeup) and she just says “no.” And walks away. She been doing this a lot. The last time she done this I confronted her because I do not like being disrespect idc who you is I’m going to say something. So I confront her and tell her “what been up with u? U don’t like me? Did I do something wrong?” And she says “omg no! You know I’m playing. I play like that” out of all the years ive known her she never acted like this. And I say “no well don’t play with me like that. I don’t like it. It’s disrespectful” and she just laughs and gives me a hug.

Idk after this flower incident it really pushing me over the edge. Me and his sister used to have a good relationship. We were so close that we would buy each other gifts just for thinking of each other.  now she’s acting like this. Idk what’s up with her. I honestly don’t think I did anything wrong. I’ve been the same since the beginning. I told my bf how I’m feeling and how I don’t like the way his sister been acting towards me and he said “she’s just jealous of u” and I said “jealous of me?! For what? I don’t have anything special?!” And he said “she’s jealous of u because u have my attention. It’s always been me and my sisters for years until u came along and now u have my attention” and I said “ok that would make since if she did this in the beginning of the relationship not years later” and he said “well I think it’s because her bf left for the military so she doesn’t have her person anymore so maybe her seeing us and me giving u all my attention is making her jealous” and I said “well honestly I don’t like the way she’s been treating me. She makes me feel unwanted in your house” and he said “I’ll talk to her”.

That was the end of the convo. But we had this convo like a month ago. Now with this flower thing I’m really annoyed. Am I over reacting over the flowers? Or am I over reacting in general?