Worst week ever..

Anaya 💙🧒🏻👶🏻👶🏻

Have had the worst week ever this has been a roller coasters of emotions first you tell me congratulations you’re pregnant then they tell me sorry your hCGs have gone lower you’re having a miscarriage few days later my hCG levels are very high they call me in For a check up make sure everything is OK and I get another congratulations you’re pregnant five weeks three days

I go home a few hours later pass I’m having the worst cramps ever I go to the bathroom And this happens

I called the advice line they tell me it’s normal to have some bleeding but I see this is not normal. I rushed to my moms house have her watch my three-year-old and rushed to the ER because I know this isn’t normal and they tell me the HCG are high but not high enough where they need to be and Shernoff they did another hCG test and they came back lower than they did a few hours before that so I confirmed I am having a miscarriage how do you get over this how do you not become scared to try again

this baby Was not planned but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t wanted we always said when it happens it happens