Period after Depo/ Stopping Depo!


So for two years i was on depo, and i only had a period(ish) when it was time to get my next shot. I would spot till the day i got my shot then it would normally stop. This would be year three of being of depo, so my gyno decided to just lower the dosage by 50mg. I got my last shot in December of 2021, and had a period then (3 days), Jan 28th rolls around and i start my period. Some spotting and light cramping tells me its coming. Well fast forward to now, and I’m on day 20 of my period. Bleeding on and off, spotting one day, then heavy bright red blood on another day. Then dark blood one day. My Gyno told me it was normal for this to happen and that i should only be concerned if I’m in really bad pain or have extreme clotting. Which I’m not.

I was just curious about if anyone else has experienced this while trying to get off of Depo. My next shot was supposed to be March 13th but I decided to just stop depo all together.

Has anyone went from depo to the pill?

Problems conceiving in the future after depo?

I just wanna know your experiences! Help a Gal out?