Need to vent

I need to vent here because if not my.huabans ans I will argue. So for the last few days I've has an allergic reaction I don't know what. I'm pregnant and huge and we have a toddler. He worked these last 2 days. So I get it. The house is clean, food is made, etc. I'm feeling terrible and I took medicine my ob recommended but it didn't work. It was so painful that I went to urgent care. I went and had to get more meds and I was cramping but the baby is ok. But I get home. His family is there. Thats ok. The hives and swelling went down but came right back. Hes rude and at the moment I wish he was kinder and not such an abnoxious person. We are in our room and I'm swelling up in pain again. The meds will take a while and it's been a long day so I need to rest. He has a movie about zombies in the room thats really loud. He's mocking me because I asked if he can hand me a blanket that's by him. Then I ask if he could turn the bright light off in our room. He has his movie and his phone. I need to try and get my rest. Him being petty or just because I asked and he thinks I'm getting my way. He told me he isn't going to turn off his light. That he needs it. He's literally watching a movie and on his phone with knight brightness. Knowing my partner. I know why he's doing this and I want to explode. When he isn't feeling well I take the upmost care of him. I don't know why he can't do the bare minimum. Anyways,I'm about to just go to the living room for comfort and rest. Thanks for letting me vent .