Approaching the topic of another baby?


My husband and I have an 8 month old baby girl and we're over the moon for her. Shes incredibly attached to my husband and she is his world. My husband also has an 8 year old son from a previous marriage and he and our daughter are getting very close. Its really sweet to see!

My husband has been pretty clear in the past that he only wanted 1 more baby besides his son and that was it. I knew it was alot for him to even consider having another child and so I agreed, thinking between his son and our baby, we would be set.

However, ever since our daughter was born, I have started to dream of what it would be like to have 1 more and have realized that I very much want another baby.

I'm really scared to bring this up to my husband though because I know how much it took for him to even agree to having a second baby. Sometimes I think i'll just say how I feel and see what he thinks too, but I stop myself.

Not sure if this matters but, for some background, when we were a few months into dating, he broke up with me and said he didnt want to ever get married again or have anymore kids after his son and he didn't want to waste my time. I told him I respected his honesty and I'm glad he told me now instead of further into our relationship.

A couple weeks went by and he reached out to me saying that he had a big change of heart, that he actully did want all of those things eventually but that it was just scary to think of it since his first marriage had ended in divorce. He told me he could see himself having 1 more child. I understood and we took things slow. That was the only time he ever said he wanted just one more baby.

A couple years later, we got married and even had to go through fertility treatments to get pregnant and he was with me through it all.

Its been a few years now since that conversation where he said he only wanted 1 but I'm scared of expressing my feelings because I'm so afraid he will tell me hes done having kids...I'm just scared of hearing that we really might be done.

Any advice for what to do?

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