Should I let go?

I love my BD I do but I feel unfulfilled in the relationship. For one, he's been a deadbeat concerning his daughter. Even though we're less than 10minutes away he's always put her first and bc I had no help I couldn't work and lost my jobs.

I had to put him on child support bc she'll be 2 in 3 mo ths and he hasn't bought her any shoes or clothes.

I'm doing everything. Caring for her, Dr's visita, ER visits. I've been telling him I needed help he told me he read about this with 2 kids that killed herself and he said he burst out crying bc he said he wants to help and be there...

But he hasn't been. It made me tear up bc with the strain of 2 kids , one being autstic... I just feel he failed me.

But I still have love for him.

Idk what to do.

Stay or go.

Even when I break up he Beggs me back and won't leave me alone. It just seems unfair bc I had to do all the sleepless nights, I bathe her, I do it all and he gets to work when he wants and sleep in.


Is 3 yrs too long for someone to get their shit together?