BFN at 10 dpo and symptoms before bfp

Ladies — I AM pregnant lmfao. Did you even read the post? I posted my symptoms to help you guys. I’m not asking if I am pregnant 🤦🏾‍♀️ I’m so over this app

Looking for symptoms before bfp? I got you boo. 💁🏾‍♀️

Bfp on 11 dpo (pm) but bfn at 10 dpo and 11 dpo (am) on Frer. I had lots of pregnancy symptoms for over a week before my bfp. I also got pregnant from having sex only once in my fertile window. I searched “symptoms before bfp” several times throughout the month so I thought I’d pay it forward and create this post.

I’ve been trying for 3 months. I took Smarty Pants brand prenatals, generic coq10, generic iron (every other day), generic vitamin d and osteo bi flex every single day (except only iron every other day, like I’d said, which was my doctors advice to keep me from getting constipated).

My husband just took a Centrum men’s multi but I’m unsure how consistent he was.

My age & health - 32 years old, 19.5 bmi, not active at all but a healthy eater. I’ve had one successful pregnancy (child is now 4) and one missed miscarriage at 7 weeks almost a year ago, low sex drive

My partner’s age & health - 39 years old, 23 bmi, active, frequent hot tub user (he is constantly in our hot tub which made me worried about sperm count/motility), never had children before (my child is with my ex), low sex drive

Dbo = days before ovulation


5 dbo = clear watery cm, medium

4 dbo = nothing to note

3 dbo = had sex in the morning after we both soaked in the hot tub. TMI but it felt like a very small “load” lol. Still clear watery cm throughout the day

2 dbo = light ewcm, heavy feeling in uterus and vagina

1 dbo = heavy ewcm, heavy feeling in uterus and vagina

Ovulation day = light ewcm, tingling feeling in uterus

1 dpo = watery cm, light cramps

2 dpo = watery cm, tingling feeling in uterus woke up gagging & with headache

3 dpo = watery cm with bits of white creamy cm, vomited in the morning

4 dpo = watery cm, flulike symptoms and vomiting

5 dpo - 7 dpo = watery cm, gagging without vomiting and weepy

8 dpo = feeling like af is coming. Every time I check, I’m spilling a lot of watery cm from my vagina but no blood. Very clear and abundant cm

9 dpo = had sex. Vomited after. Tingling in uterus. Very clear and abundant watery cm even after I washed the you-know-what out of my hoo ha 😂. BFN on Frer after 3 hour hold

10 dpo = very clear and abundant watery cm. So much that it feels like I’ve peed in my pants. BFN with fmu on Frer. Nausea with vomiting

11 dpo = nausea with vomiting. BFN with fmu on Frer. Clear cm kept coming. Cervix (which had been high and soft the entire time after ovulation) drops and feels hard, low and open. I think af is on its way.

11 dpo at night = I had 2 frer left so I tested just to confirm I could drink some boozy eggnog. Light bfp on Frer. Could be indent but def pink

12 dpo = glaring bfp with fmu. Major food aversions. Major nausea and vomiting. I still feel like af is gonna show.

My concierge doctor said that many women feel symptoms right at conception, as there are in fact very slight hormonal changes the minute the zygote starts multiplying. I mean no shit! Your body needs to use more energy than it normally does to support even the moment of first cellular replication. So to the mean people who yell at posters for symptom spotting, I think it’s actually very very plausible to have pre-bfp symptoms based on what my doctor said and this anecdotal evidence.

Also, based solely on my anecdotal information of course, I think the hot tub ruining your man’s balls/sperm is a myth that my hottub addict has busted!

I hope this helps! Fx our little 🌈 baby sticks! Good luck to all ttc and don’t let the glow haters bring you down when you feel early symptoms but still test bfn. Symptoms can come from more than just HCG and my doctor who went to brown university attests to that.

God bless you all and merry Christmas 🎄🎁