Marriage trouble or just me?

jen • Momma of 5 boys!💙 and we're done! 😅

So me and my husband had our 5th boy! And our last! But since before the baby was born something felt off and I couldn't shake it. Here we are 5 (almost 6 months) after he's born and I feel a disconnection. Witch I know is normal after 7 years and raising 5 kids, but still we've lost something important. Has it happened to you? What can I do to help it? Sex is slowing WAY down, we don't talk unless its about the kids, i feel like every move i make irriates him and when we're in the same room he's on his phone.

I love my husband! I don't think he's cheating but there's something. (I've even wondered if he was using again. One of our friends that worked with him fell off the wagon then another guy he worked under got fired. They have been working alot hard due to cut backs on people and he's coming home with cuts and bruises all the time.) But maybe it's just me and my paranoid brain overthrowing it all.

I would appreciate some advice. Idk where else to turn.