1yo baby bedtime “routine” 1hr process 😂

luna • mom of 2 magical Queens and 1 king💕

Hi! Please share tips/tricks to get baby to sleep at night… we’ve transitioned from bf to solids + formula and trying to get baby to sleep in his crib (before he was in bed w/me). He HATES it!!! Cries stands up I’ve tried being in the room, not being in the room, light on, light off, sound on, sound off.. I’m exhausted!!!! He may after like an hr of a lot of drama after maybe getting a bottle, finally go down, but then he’ll be up in a couple of hrs.. and everything starts all over again. I’m hoping he gets used to the crib, I’ve tried to make him nap there during the day it’s the same routine.. is like you lay him in a bed of niddles .. he may sleep for maybe 15min and wake up crying. I tried changing sheets putting a soft blanket instead of a sheet…nothing.. help!